Alhamdulilah bendera kemenangan dah separuh naik..separuh lagi tunggu result aje.
Masa nih lah ujian kita semakin getir kan.:) For those yang tak ambik series psal exam nih *teraser* akn merasakan everything is already done! Takde dah pmr nya.. no nehi babuje..ingat tu paper english kita sampai dekat penang tau..*gulp, teraser lagi*
Anyway, its doesn't mean kita kena terperuk dalam bilik, berpeluk tubuh dengan berharap pemeriksa akan kesiankan kita..haha. Actually that was my plan tp bila difikirkan..tak masuk dek akal. I think along this free time smbil2 duk tunggu result pmr, why not we prepare for future. I mean review sikit bab-bab killer form 4,ceh~ That was my plan lah.. plan aje k. Its depend on my tahap kerajinan dan sincerity lh pulak nk buat. hihik
Today, I want to clean up my superb messy room and tidy up all the unnecessary papers! Ke pusat recyle!
#..pi makan kropok lekor meta~ :D
Sometimes, I really want to hit my face a lot at the time I lost my mind urk?
Almost my friends said I'm not being mature person despite of my look. yeah,last year maybe gue look a like a serious
I made them laugh dgan lawak nenek sya. whats more? and sometimes I hurt them with my words. Yang tu kadang2 sya lupa nak control.. :(
bukanny senang untuk berubah menjadi yang lebih baik. tetapi ianya tak bermaksud kita kena give up di awal stage lagi. chill la~
Nak ke pucak mesti lah kena daki bersusah payah dulu, lain lah klau korang nk terus stay dekat bwah tu mkan habuk aje. nehi?
You know what. entah mengapa keinginan nak pergi belajar dekat Jepun smakin menjadi jadi.
Some people hanya tahu bagi "booooo" je when I said about this hope instead courage me to achieve it. Biasalah lumrah hidup, hanya sekelompok kecil aja yang suka akan kejayaan orang lain. My dream maybe sound like a dream that never will come truth but I do believe with Power of Allah, seriously. I'm no pious, neither a disbeliever. But after all the things that I've been through this year... this faith become more stronger.
For example, I always commit a lot of sins dngan scra sngaja atau tak sengaja but He still beside me when I'm need Him.
He always be there. Beside us :)
Sometimes this soul really curious does Islam is truth religion that can lead us to a truth path?
I keep thinking about it and finally He showed me the truth.
you know what?
The Al Quran, each word written in there were so truth its already happened and will happen [Judgement Day]
Ini kisah benar. Kadang2 I love to spent my day keep pondering about this life. Semua di dunia ini teratur begitu hebat sekali. Especially form 3 students..don't you realize when you learnt Science,last topic. How was our universe created.
Its so complicated. To make a sun, you need a billions,maybe trillions years to complete it. Hanya sebuah matahari. How about another 9 planets? Subhanallah kan.
I keep questioning myself why other didn't see what I've see.
Rasanya, my friends just deny all this things. Mereka nampak tetapi they hold themselves from trusting it.
Ego. kenapa?
maybe peoples around them. Takut malu. Takut disisihkan rakan-rakan. Rasa diri nih dah terlambat nak bertaubat.
Tu my conclusionlah.
Its never too late. Pintu taubat masih terbuka,
Cuba lah untuk mengadu kepadanya..percaya lah its really good. Lebih afdal buat tengah malam when everyone are in deep sleep. Buang lah ego kita. menangis lah kepadaNya. Tak rugi pun
Saya mengaku, saya bukanlah orang alim ,orang terbaik nak ajak sapa2 buat baik. tp as long we're muslim its our responsiblity untuk menyampaikan perkara yang benar. aite?
Saya pun tak penah lari drpda mmbuat dosa, kdang2 kita tak boleh nak ctrl nafsu kita. fuh~ tp slow2 kita cuba untuk mengubahnya ok. yang penting istiqamah! yea~
Insyallah :)
eh2 tk perasan terBold ayat.haha
#someone gave me this precious word ~
0 budak manis :):
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